Orange Cake
Beat 3 oz of butter and 3 ozs of castor sugar to a cream. Whip the yolks of 2 eggs and add them to 1 tsp of milk and beat into the butter. Sifting in gradually 5 ozs of flour and lastly the whites of 2 eggs beaten to a froth. Bake the mixture on 3 plates of the same size in a quick oven and then stand till cool. Grate the rind of 1 lemon and 2 oranges and squeeze and strain the juice. Mix 1 tbsp of cornflour with a teacupful of water. Add a teacupfuls of sugar and the grated rind and juice. Boil for a few minutes stirring well till the cornflour tastes cooked. Then let cool. Place one of the cakes on a plate on which it will be serve. Spread with the mixture and put the second cake on the top and spread the rest of the mixture on it pressing the third cake on top. Sprinkle with icing as preferred.